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Monday, March 31, 2008

Someone is dumping dead and decapitated dogs in cemetery in Kansas City.

Dogs found dumped at cemetery
Jackson County Sheriff searching for answers

The Examiner

The Jackson County Sheriff's Department is asking for assistance from the community to help them find out who is dumping dead dogs in an Eastern Jackson County cemetery.

Over the last six months, Floral Hills Cemetery, in the 25200 block of U.S. 50, east of Lee's Summit in unincorporated Jackson County, has reported finding dead dogs on its property. Some the deceased dogs show no visible cause of death, while others have been decapitated.

Anyone with information can call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS or the Jackson County Sheriff's Office Investigations Unit at 816-524-4302.

The Spay and Neuter Association of Greater Kansas City, as well as other organizations, are offering reward money for information in the case that leads to an arrest and conviction of the perpetrator.

My pregnant feral cat dilemma Pt. 2

My true feelings came out this morning. I no longer have to wonder what I think about the situation. I am not sure if I was in shock or what last night but I wasn't thinking clearly.

I was talking to my boyfriend about this in the car this morning. After about 5 minutes of him telling me how sad he was about the kittens, I started to cry. I saw it so clearly.

I cannot believe that I did not go with my initial instinct of keeping the cat here to have her kittens. I knew the "ethical" answer at the very beginning but I was persuaded by different outside sources.

I feel deeply saddened that this happened and I will never do it again.

I believe in not killing any living being unless they are sick to the point of no return. There was nothing wrong with this kittens, that I know of. They had every right to a chance in life as any other animal...these kittens just weren't born yet.

I read and read online last night to get different perspectives on this issue. There are many perspectives. None of them really helped me.

This morning I made up my mind about it and I do not believe in killing any animal unless they are sick. That includes, not killing kittens, in utero.

Of course there is a pet overpopulation problem. That is evident. It does not mean we should go around killing innocent unborn kittens. They are already here. All we can do is prevent new births.

I deeply regret what I did. In humans, I believe life begins at conception. I do not agree with abortions at any time during the pregnancy. Why didn't I think about that when I was contemplating what to do with these kittens? I think everyone has a right to life. I was influenced by outside sources and didn't listen to my instincts. Next time, I will trust myself and only myself.

I made the decision but I will never make that decision again. Ever.

This is her this morning:

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My pregnant feral cat dilemma

I have been helping a woman trap some semi-tame ferals in her neighborhood. We put out the traps this morning. Out of a possible 8 cats, we caught 1.

She was pregnant.

I had a really hard time deciding what to do. I talked to the people at No More Homeless Pets Kansas City and they told me there was not a way to tell how far along she was without a sonogram. I felt pressured to have the kittens aborted...but I am still the one that made the decision. So, I said to spay her.

I am still not sure if I did the right thing. During her surgery, they found out that she was really far along in her pregnancy and her kittens were aborted. I didn't ask how far along she was (but I assume she was close to giving birth) or how many kittens there were.

I don't want to know.

The woman at No More Homeless Pets told me how there are already too many kittens out there...blah blah blah. I know all of that. These are kittens that were already created...they are already here-just not born yet. I believe in spaying and neutering to prevent kittens, not kill ones that are here or in the womb.

Did I indirectly kill these sweet kittens?

Should I have done it differently? I already have 5 cats here and that is about my limit in terms of my energy level. All of these cats need food, water, a clean litter box and love and attention. I asked around at the shelter I volunteer at and every else has a lot of cats too. It's kitten season and lots of people are fostering kittens or cats. There was nobody available to take the kittens.

I was told over the phone by someone at NMHPKC who said if the cat is put under anesthetic and she is pregnant that it would cause problems for the kittens.

After doing some research, I am not sure that is the truth. It might depend on what type of anesthetic they use. I haven't found a clear answer.

All I know is that I have been thrown into a moral dilemma that I can't undo. All I can do is decide what to do the next time this happens.

This is her after I got her home:

This is her later in the evening:

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) CEO makes $393,541 a year. What do you think??

I saw a post online that showed how much the CEO of the ASPCA made per year and I was shocked. It got me curious to see how much the other CEOs made.

The compensations listed below were found on Charity Navigator.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) CEO makes $31,923
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) CEO makes $393,541
The Nature Conservancy CEO makes $377,804
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) CEO makes $203,231
Best Friends Animal Society CEO makes $54,083

In 2006, Philip L. Francis (PetSmart) raked in $4,054,032 in total compensation according to the SEC.

In 2006, H. Lee Scott (WalMart) raked in $29,672,533 in total compensation according to the SEC.

I am surprised at some of these organizations, being NON PROFITS, compensating their CEOs with such a high amount of money. I am especially surprised by the ASPCA. This organization is the only one that I truly trust and now...I don't. I believe anything over $60,000 or $70,000 is too much for a non profit CEO to make. They went into this knowing they would not make as much as the two last CEOs I listed, from PetSmart and WalMart.

Also, as a non profit, they are helping animals who are less fortunate and need help. How could you take that much money when animals need homes and medical care. Just making 100,000 less (which is more than what most American's salaries) could feed many, many animals and provide for their care.

A non profit is just that, a NON profit.

This definition below is from
Nonprofit corporations, despite the name, can make a profit, but the business cannot be designed primarily for profit-making purposes, and the profits must be used for the benefit of the organization or purpose the corporation was created to help.

What is your reaction to this information? What do you think? Let me know!

Friday, March 28, 2008

I am thinking about buying pet insurance, any ideas?

When my cats were younger, I had pet insurance. After a year or two of never using it, I figured I could have spent that money better. I have two that I want to insure. My cats are getting older, 10 and 11, so I think it might be a good idea. I never want to be in a situation where they need some kind of emergency surgery or something and I don't have the money. I did have a situation where my cat, Gaby, needed some emergency care and it cost over $500. Thankfully, I had the help of my grandparents to pay for it. I don't anymore. (Gaby was a victim of animal cruelty and needed lifesaving care-for Gaby's story, click here)

I am a student and I am perpetually broke. I would rather pay $20 or $30 a month if it helps me pay for a surgery later.

Does anyone have ideas on Pet Insurance companies? Do you have pet insurance? Are you satisfied?

Did Texas animal control poison man's dog?

TEXAS CITY — An outbreak of an unknown illness at the county’s animal shelter in Texas City has prompted officials to euthanize 16 dogs and temporarily suspend all canine adoptions.

A La Marque man said his $1,500 pit bull mix breed died Monday at the shelter. He accused the shelter of poisoning the dog named Capone, because it attacked and killed a neighbor’s dog in February. The shelter denies the poisoning allegation.

Kurt Koopmann, a spokesman for the Galveston County Health District, said Thursday the illness outbreak could be distemper.

“We have implemented controls to lessen the chance of the spread of disease.” Koopmann said. “We don’t want to adopt animals that may be ill.”

Adoptions have been stopped for 10 days, Koopmann said, until laboratory results pinpoint the animals’ affliction.

“The dogs are examined four times a day,” Koopmann said.

“And if any symptoms are present, then they are euthanized.”

The shelter continues to take in stray dogs, but they are separated from those in quarantine, he said.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, distemper is a highly contagious and serious disease caused by a virus that attacks dogs’ respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

My top 10 favorite cat toys

I have cats of my own and I volunteer at an animal shelter. I see lots of toys that get no use and toys that actually have to be thrown away because they are used so much they no longer function.

It seems that certain types of cats like different toys. If I have noticed the type of cat that likes a toy, I will note that in the review. These toys are not necessarily the only ones available, there are many versions of each one of the toys below.

These are in no particular order. I was initially going to list them in order but how can I choose? They all have good qualities! (Pictures are linked to, where you can price them or see the different varieties)

This kind of toy requires minimal effort on your part and most cats love it, even lazy cats will swat at it a time or two. Any kind of toy like this will do, it doesn't need to be fancy.

There are lots of different mice to play with. I have found that these kind are a favorite--by far! I am not sure what it is about these mice, the noise they make, their size, their hard bodies (as opposed to cotton mice). Cats love these! Many, many of these have been thrown away at the shelter because they are too damaged to play with anymore.

Very playful adult cats and kittens like this. I often throw a treat or two into the outer/bottom part which cats can easily get it out. If you put it in the top, they will never get it.

Random balls are always a good thing. Cats can play with them alone or with you. I have a long hallway and I just stand on one side, throwing all the balls, then go to the other side and throw them all back. My cat, Ashtyn, loves to run. Try to vary the types of balls you play with until you find the ones you cat likes the most. There are solid balls that bounce, open balls with things inside, noisy ones, quiet ones, ones that light up, lightweight, heavy balls, etc. The options are endless!

My cats absolutely LOVE the Fat Cat brand of toys and catnip. I have found that some brands my cats love and some they ignore. Explore the pet aisle to find the one your cat likes. I like this toy because I can take out the catnip and wash the little duck bag when it gets gross. There aren't many on the market that can be washed.

Tunnels! Many cats love tunnels. If you have more than one cat, make sure to get a tunnel that has holes throughout and not just the ends. Just in case they get in a fight, one of the cats can make a quick escape. Make sure it is sturdy. Cats generally don't like tunnels that collapse on them.

This toy seems to cater to the high energy cats and some kittens. For those who don't want to play with it, there is a nice scratcher in the middle. Try putting some catnip into the cardboard scratcher, they love it.

There are a few toys like this but I wish there were more. This caters to the hunter in your feline. Try throwing some treats inside among the balls and mice for a pleasant surprise. No cat can resist this. *Note: You can easily make one of these out of a shallow box. I made one out of the box that my keyboard came it. Cut out holes on the top and sides, your cats will love it.

This is great for kittens. Kittens have played with these much more than adult cats. It could be because of it's size. It is fairly small, maybe 8-10 inches wide. As I said before, there are other versions of this kind of toy.

This is a laser pointer. I bought one a "dollar store". It still works just fine. It also came with different filters for when you get bored of the same red circle. If you want a red mouse on the floor or walls, you probably have to buy one that is for cats. This is great, you can sit on the couch and watch tv while you play with your cat!

Are there toys that your cat loves that you don't see here?
Leave a comment or email me and tell me about it!

A no kill nation is within our reach!

No Kill Resources:
A list of No Kill shelters in the United States
No Kill Declaration
What is No Kill? (Maddie's Fund)
No Kill information through Best Friends
No Kill Advocacy Center

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

10 Subtle Signs of Illness in Cats

1.Inappropriate Elimination Behavior

2.Changes in Interaction

3.Changes in Activity

4.Changes in Sleeping Habits

5.Changes in Food and Water Consumption

6.Unexplained Weight Loss or Gain

7.Changes in Grooming

8.Signs of Stress

9.Changes in Vocalization

10.Bad Breath

For more information, visit

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tell San Francisco Art Institute to Stop Promoting Animal Snuff Video (Animal is killed on video!)

The San Francisco Art Institute is running an exhibit now through May 31st made up of video images of six different animals -- a doe, a goat, a horse, an ox, a pig, and a sheep -- being bludgeoned to death with a large sledgehammer by someone calling himself an "artist." Entitled "Don't Trust Me," this sick exhibit is nothing more than a disgusting attempt to pass off the brutal abuse and killing of animals as legitimate art. Please Take Action to urge the Institute to remove this deplorable exhibit immediately, and implement a policy explicitly prohibiting exhibits for which animals were exploited or killed.

Link to exhibit.

Below is an excerpt of how the "Institute" describes this terrible "art".
Don’t Trust Me portrays six animals—a sheep, a horse, an ox, a pig, a goat, and a doe—being struck and killed by a hammer. Each killing occurs so quickly that it’s difficult to determine definitively what has happened. Do these incidents represent slaughter or sacrifice? What are their social, cultural, moral, and political implications? Or are such questions now verging on irrelevance, as if something else altogether were taking place (or about to), something wholly other, unforeseen, unexpected?

Related Information
Contact: Walter & McBean Galleries

San Francisco Art Institute
800 Chestnut St
San Francisco, CA 94133

A sample letter and opportunity to send a form email is available by clicking 'more' below.


Monday, March 24, 2008

Prevent Inhumane Euthanasia in Maryland (they currently cannot sedate animals prior to euthanasia!!)

While Maryland animal shelters do have access to drugs used to euthanize animals, they currently are unable to obtain drugs needed to sedate animals prior to euthanasia. This is critical to prevent suffering during the euthanasia process.

Fortunately, legislation (H.B. 1481) has been introduced that will allow animal shelters access to drugs used to sedate animals prior to euthanasia. H.B. 1481 has just passed the House and now must make its way through the Senate before the session ends.

Cage Comforters: Small Quilts Changing the Lives of Shelter Animals

Cage comforters are simple, small quilts placed in the cages of shelter animals. Not only do they make the cage a more comfortable place to be, but they also can help to increase an animal's chances of adoption. How? They reduce the stress animals feel while in a cage and they allow potential adopters to more easily see the animals as part of their homes and lives.

Anyone who can thread a needle can create a cage comforter, and help get a Little New Yorker adopted!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

One dollar, one month, one shelter.

I joined the One Dollar, One Shelter, One Month animal shelter campaign and have pledged my dollar each month, won't you please join with me? Together we can help many shelters help more animals!

How the Campaign Works

We will post information for one shelter each month. We ask that you send one dollar directly to that shelter during that time. Alternately, you can use the ChipIn box in the right hand column to make a secure payment using PayPal. Every penny of every dollar that you donate goes directly to the shelter, to be used for the animals either way you donate. We ask for only one dollar because we know all of us can help at that amount, and a little money from a lot of people is easier to get then a lot of money from a few people.

We also really need you to forward this information to everyone you know, on your myspace blog, bulletin, and groups, and everyone on your mailing lists, and contact list. One dollar a month from a lot of people will make a world of difference for these shelters that don't have the benefit of wealthy donors, large budgets, or a huge staff for fundraising.

Think of the impact your one dollar can dollar from thousands of people can raise thousands of dollars for one shelter. If you can send one dollar each month for a year, all it will cost you is $12 by the end of the year, but 12 animal shelters in desperate need of funds will benefit so much, and so will the animals and the community!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Play game, get right answer, shelter cats get food!

Provide food to abandoned (and often abused) dogs and cats just by playing the trivia game below. For every question you answer correctly, we'll donate kibbles of food to help feed abandoned pets. The more you play, the more shelter pets we can feed! Spread the word and make a huge difference!

* For each correct answer, Experience Project donates the equivalent of 1 kibble of food to Rocket Dog Rescue & the Urban Cat Project, helping save pet's lives.

Can a three-legged cat live a normal life?

Because of their small body weight, cats do very well after the loss of a leg. Their human friends often take longer to adjust to the change than they do. It might help, however, to make the cat an exclusively indoor cat. It's reflexes and ability to avoid predators may be a bit hampered. Another helpful move might be to provide a few stools where the cat chooses to get up and down from things, such as beds or a favorite window sill.

If a front leg has been removed, jumping down can be painful if one leg has to catch the fall from three or more feet up. If a rear leg is missing, it may be difficult to provide the torque to jump up onto high things without a stool halfway.

Even with a leg removed, three legged cats can play, run and pounce just like any other cat.

I have fostered a three legged cat before and here is what I learned first hand. Drake, the three legged cat, needed a larger litter box and he needed it in more stable location, such as a corner. He also needed more support for getting off and on high cat trees and other things. He seemed to be fine, but I worried because he sometimes hit his chin on the floor from the impact of landing on one leg.

Donate books, journals, and supplies to overseas veterinary students

If the shelves and cabinets, back rooms, and offices at your veterinary clinic are crammed with unused textbooks, journals, instruments, equipment, and supplies, consider donating them to veterinarians and students in foreign countries where they are needed.

Visit and click on "My AVMA" to find groups and individuals who are collecting for various countries.

New collector listings are invited at or (800) 248-2862, Ext. 6754.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Wyoming makes 50! All 50 states have felony dog fighting laws!

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is pleased to announce that dog fighting is now a felony everywhere in the United States. Last week, Wyoming made dog fighting a felony, the 50th state in the country to do so.

Free spay, neuter services planned for El Paso, Texas

The El Paso City-County Health and Environmental District's Pet Care-A-Van this month will offer free spay and neuter services in five East El Paso locations this month.

The mobile clinic, which includes a veterinarian and support staff, today is expected to visit the Oz Glaze Senior Center, 13969 Veny Webb in Horizon City.

Tuesday, it will make a stop at the Eastwood (Album) Park, 3110 Parkwood and will be at Marty Robbins Park, 11600 Vista Del Sol, on on March 24 and 25.

The clinic on March 27 heads to the K5 Bakery and Grocery store, 513 Ascencion, and will visit the La Fe Montana Vista Community Center, 14618 Greg, on March 28 and 31.

Stray dogs have been a concern for some residents in East El Paso and the service is meant to stem the number of animals euthanized throughout the county.

No appointment is needed for the spay and neuter services, but the clinic is limited to just 25 animals each day. Participants are taken on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 6:30 a.m.

Rabies shots and registration of pets also will be offered, with each service costing $10.

Dog and cat owners are asked to follow several guidelines for the service:

# Do not feed the animal for 12 hours before the registration.

# Animals must be older than 4 months and younger than 6 years for the service.

# The pet must be in good health.

# Current proof of rabies vaccination is required.

Information: 274-4270.

Is it safe for my pet to drink from the toilet?

Bacterial-related gastrointestinal problems could occur from drinking stagnant toilet water, so it is a good idea to discourage your dog from imbibing from the commode.

Special note for those who use drop-in toilet bowl cleaning tablets: If you follow label directions, most toilet bowl cleaning tablets would not be expected to cause problems beyond minor stomach upset, should a dog take a drink out of the diluted water in the toilet bowl.

Source: ASCPA

Why is chocolate bad for dogs?

Chocolate can contain high amounts of fat and caffeine-like stimulants known as methylxanthines. If ingested in significant amounts, chocolate can potentially produce clinical effects in dogs ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and even death in severe cases.

Typically, the darker the chocolate, the higher the potential for clinical problems from methylxanthine poisoning. White chocolate has the lowest methylxanthine content, while baking chocolate contains the highest. As little as 20 ounces of milk chocolate—or only two ounces of baking chocolate—can cause serious problems in a 10-pound dog. While white chocolate may not have the same potential as darker forms to cause a methylxanthine poisoning, the high fat content of lighter chocolates could still lead to vomiting and diarrhea, as well as the possible development of life-threatening pancreatitis, an inflammatory condition of the pancreas.

Source: ASPCA

Has your dog ever gotten into chocolate? What symptoms did your dog have?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Medicine In Small Dose Deadly To Thousands Of Pets

Vets sometimes treat pets with people medications, but those drugs can kill four-legged consumers.

Last year, 89,000 of the 130,000 animal poisoning emergencies handled by the ASPCA's national poison control center were related to pets eating human medications.

"One of the most common misconceptions is that human medications are as helpful to pets as they can be to humans," explains Dana Farbman, senior manager of the poison control center at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. "In fact, human drugs can be quite harmful, even deadly, to pets depending on the circumstance of exposure."

Just one extra-strength acetaminophen tablet (found in brands such as Tylenol) can kill an average-sized cat.

Recently, the poison control center released a top 10 list of the most common dangers based on the frequency of calls. Human painkillers, cold medications, antidepressants and dietary supplements topped the list.


Piedmont, MO shelter totally destroyed; PLEASE HELP!!

Piedmont, MO shelter totally destroyed; PLEASE HELP!!






115 W Green St
Piedmont, MO 63957


Can you foster or adopt a chained dog in Illinois??

(this is from a group I belong to)

Dear Friends,
“Beau” Jangles (aka “Beau”) is currently living his life on a heavy chain in West Salem, Illinois. Beau’s “family” is willing to give him up so if a rescue or foster can take him, he can be retrieved from this sad situation immediately. Beau is approximately 1 years old but you can see in his eyes that he is already losing his youthful spirit.

I don’t know what breed Beau is but he is VERY handsome and looks like a lab or lab mix (pictures attached). Please consider helping this poor soul get into a home where he can experience love for the first time. He clearly deserves it. A transport can be arranged to almost anywhere and I am willing to sponsor vetting costs.

Beau’s story is below (his words, not mine :~)

My name is "Beau"Jangles and I am about 1 whole year old. My life has actually been quite sad so far but I’m hoping you can help me to turn it around.

I was adopted into a family when I was very young (a puppy as they say) and I thought it was going to be a great life… but it didn’t turn out that way. When I was very young one of the boys in the family through a brick at my head and it knocked me out. I don’t think that anyone really cared much about that because no one did anything to help me. Luckily I woke up a while later.

Truthfully, sometimes I wish I hadn’t woken up that day because mostly I just lay here chained to the house. Sometimes I get up and walk around but I can never get very far because of my chain. When it rains, I lay in the mud, when it’s cold and windy I shiver, when it’s sunny…. well, you get the point. Sometimes the people feed me but when they do, they never stop to greet me. Sometimes they don’t even look at me. So I guess you could say I am pretty lonely and sad most of the time.

What I would really like is for someone to take me away from here; to a place that the people appreciate my great assets :~) And where they pat me on the head, maybe even hug me and take me for fun walks!! Am I getting carried away here?!

I am currently located in West Salem, Illinois but I know some folks who would take me just about anywhere if it is better than here.

Love and big doggie kisses,
"Beau" Jangles

Contact Aileen Worden if you can help this sweet dog.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Adelanto animal control official accused of drowning kittens

The head of Adelanto's animal control office has been charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty after investigators said he systematically drowned dozens of kittens over four months last year.

Kevin Murphy, 36, was charged Monday with six counts of killing, maiming and abusing animals and faces up to six years in prison if he is convicted.

"The charges allege that he killed in the neighborhood of 50 kittens while working as head of animal control in Adelanto," said James Hill, San Bernardino County supervising deputy district attorney.


Hartz brand for cats and dogs RECALLED

With the recent recall of its Vitamin Care for Cats and a previous
recall on its Flea and Tick Drops, consumers should be ware when
purchasing products produced by the Hartz Mountain Corporation.
Numerous reports from cat and dog owners have claimed that such
products caused the deaths of their pets. There is even a website
devoted to the victims of Hartz, where owners share their personal
stories of their experience from using Hartz products.

Hartz is voluntarily recalling a second specific lot of Hartz Vitamin
Care for Cats due to concerns that bottles within the lot may have
been potentially contaminated with Salmonella. Hartz recalled a
specific lot code of Hartz Vitamin Care for Cats last November due to
similar concerns. Both lot codes were manufactured for Hartz by UFAC
(USA) Inc. in 2007, and were removed from distribution last November.
However, bottles from the second lot had been shipped to customers
prior to their having been removed from distribution.

The product involved is 739 bottles of Hartz Vitamin Care for Cats,
lot code SZ 22771, UPC number 32700-97701. While normal testing
conducted by Hartz and UFAC has not revealed the presence of
Salmonella in any Hartz products, recent sampling conducted by the FDA
did detect the presence of Salmonella.

Previously, in December of 2002, thousands of illnesses and deaths in
cats and kittens led to a recall of some of Hartz' flea and tick
products. Hartz Advanced Care Brand Flea and Tick Drops Plus for Cats
and Kittens and Hartz Advanced Care Brand Once-a-Month Flea and Tick
Drops for Cats and Kittens was pulled from shelves after numerous
accounts of pets suffering from adverse effects from the products.
Complaints included minor problems such as skin irritation or hair
loss at the application site to more serious effects on the nervous
system, such as tremors, convulsions and sometimes death.

Despite countless complaints, the Environmental Protection Agency
(regulatory body) will not close down the Hartz Mountain Corporation.
Therefore, a website has been created to allow pet owners to share
their stories of using its products and to educate the public on the
risks of using its products. Please visit their website at

Consumers can contact Hartz at 1-800-275-1414 with any questions they may have and to obtain reimbursement for purchased product.

You may also contact them at:

Consumer Relations Department
The Hartz Mountain Corporation
400 Plaza Drive
Secaucus, NJ 07094 USA
1-800-275-1414 consumer hotline

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A chained dog video I's sad.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Two cats up for adoption

I am fostering two cute kitties who are up for adoption. They were abandoned in their house when their owners moved out. They have both been altered, both have their claws and they are both up to date on vaccinations.

The black cat above is Isabella. Isabella is very loving and likes to lay on your lap. She is vocal and chatty. Her interests include grooming, playing, looking out the window, laying in the sun and scratching on the scratching post. Below is video of Isabella playing with her mouse.

This is Jack. Jack is a laid back guy who likes his space. He will come to you when he wants attention. He always likes the occasional kiss on the head while he sleeps. He has a very cute face including freckles on his nose and tufts of bright red hair on top of his ears. Jack's interests include sleeping, stretching, stalking birds from the window, laying in the sun, and playing with his foster sister (another cat, not Isabella).

Chained dog dies shortly after being rescued from yard in Kansas City

I was not doing outreach this day because I was attending a volunteer meeting for the Chain of Reality event going on in Kansas City.

During the meeting at Spay Neuter Kansas City there was some commotion and I saw Kate, the outreach coordinator, running around.

After the meeting, I went to the area for outreach volunteers to gather supplies for the dogs. Once I walked to that area, I saw a dog lying on towels and blankets on the floor. His whole body was covered except for his face. They had rice filled socks that were microwaved to keep him warm.

This dog was found by Kate and Lindsay, another volunteer. The dog was chained in someone's yard. A concerned neighbor called about the dog. Kate and Lindsay could not find the dog at first. The neighbor helped them find him.

He was very emaciated. He was chained in the yard, laying in the mud and leaves. He was partially buried in the leaves and because he was so emaciated, he was difficult to see.

He died, surrounded by loving volunteers, about 30 minutes after he was saved.

Dog sexually assaulted Wichita, KS (US)

Incident Date: Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008
County: Sedgwick

Charges: Misdemeanor
Disposition: Convicted

Defendant/Suspect: Joshua Coman

Upcoming Court Dates:
» Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008: sentencing

A man who Wichita police say was caught in the act of having sex with a dog will only face a misdemeanor charge, despite committing a similar crime last year in Reno County.

Police arrested Josh Coman, 20, on Tuesday evening. A woman in the 3700 block of E. Clark heard someone break into her garage. When she went to check on the noise, she says she found Coman sexually assaulting her four year old female rottweiler.

Initially arrested for aggravated burglary of a home and criminal sodomy, will only face the misdemeanor sodomy charge. Authorities say because there was no intent to commit a felony or theft, he can't be charged with burglary.

Coman pleaded guilty last year to a similar crime involving a dog in Reno County. Police say the state's new Magnum's Law, designed to protect animals from abuse, does not cover sexual assaults.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Help educate readers about feral cats-Tiger Ranch

(I did not write this-this came from a group I am in online)
Please send a Letter to the Editor to help educate the readers about feral
cats. The following news article covering the tragedy at Tiger Ranch is being
used to drum up hysteria describing ferals as rabid disease-carrying wild

Letters to the Editor
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
D.L. Clark Bldg.,
503 Martindale St., 3rd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Our E-Mail address is:
Our fax number is:

Health agency warns people to avoid feral cats
By Chuck Biedka
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Nearly 100 cats buried at the Tiger Ranch Farm don't pose an immediate
health risk, but wandering feral cats there could become a problem, an Allegheny
County Health Department spokesman said.

On Friday morning, health department inspectors visited the farm -- which
had between 600 and 700 cats and other animals until they were moved to other
shelters -- at the request of the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals, said spokesman Guillermo Cole.

"The 29 acres where she operated was the only site that has a well," he
said. "All of the other residential properties in the vicinity have a public
water supply."

The inspectors saw some cat skeletons lying exposed on the ground, but most
of the dead cats were buried or in freezers.

At the same time Cole warned people to avoid feral, or wild, cats at Tiger
Ranch, as well as those that might have wandered from the farm.

People should routinely avoid stray or feral cats anywhere because it's
unclear if they have had all of their shots to prevent disease, including rabies,
Cole said.

Tiger Ranch owner Linda Bruno, who is known to numerous shelter managers and
customers as Linn Marie, was jailed pending a hearing. Officials said they
couldn't say if the cats were inoculated before she turned them loose at the

Domestic cats, skunks and raccoons are the species that most readily spread

"There's no way for me to know if they had their shots or not," said state
Game Commission spokesman Jerry Feaser.

Several shelter owners said Bruno accepted feral cats from across the region
and even other states.

"Last January we sent about 50 feral cats. (Bruno) told us she would release
the feral ones on her property. She said she had 300 acres," said
Zanesville, Ohio, animal shelter executive director Larry Hostetler.

An Allegheny County property Web site says Bruno owns 28 acres, not 300.

Hostetler said Bruno always accepted feral and sick cats that are not
accepted elsewhere.

"She never took pets or healthy cats," he said.

The SPCA sting "comes as quite a shock to me," Hostetler said.

Fayette County humane officer Elizabeth Davidson is equally surprised
because Bruno showed compassion time after time.

Davidson said Bruno accepted the most sick cats, some with leukemia, that
were scheduled to be destroyed. She also did more.

"About two years ago a woman came in with a cat hit by a car. (Bruno) took
the cat, paid about $1,000 in veterinarian care, and then she gave the cat
back to the woman," she said.

Linn also took some abused dogs and cats that otherwise would have been
killed, she said.

Davidson said she has visited the farm more than once.

"It seemed clean and well organized" on her repeated visits in the past five
years. Her kennel managers have said the same things, she said.

Hostetler is thunderstruck.

"We've been there a lot, and there hasn't been a problem," he said. "This is
blindsiding me."

Tiger Ranch accepted sick cats, but feline disease strikes even the best
shelters, Hostetler said.

Last year the Zanesville shelter had to kill 150 cats stricken by a
fast-spreading and deadly disease, he said.

Dan Musher, development director for the Animal Rescue League of Western
Pennsylvania, said the league sent about 100 feral cats to Tiger Ranch during
the past two years.

"It was never very many," Musher said. "And our volunteer who did take the
cats said she never saw what's being reported in the news."

At least one shelter manager thinks Tiger Ranch's owner might have tried to
reach too far to help cats.

The Humane Society of Westmoreland County, in Greensburg, can handle about
100 cats at a time.

"That's about the limit," said executive director Kathy Burkley. "We do our
best, but we reach a point where we have to refuse to take them.

"I don't know how she could handle 700," she said. "The cost is

It costs the humane society about $250 to vaccinate and neuter cats and
remove any parasites, she said.

"It's constant fundraising here," Burkley said.

Meanwhile, the sting is causing worry for cat owners near and far.

Last October the Clifton, N.J.-based Angels of Animals made the long drive
from New York City's suburbs to deliver at least a half-dozen cats to the

"We were assured they went into foster care," said spokeswoman Ellie
Kowalski, who made the six-hour trek. "Now, we'd like to know if they are OK," she
said. "We will drive another six hours to take the cats back if necessary."

Chuck Biedka can be reached at or 724-226-4711.

Images and text copyright © 2008 by The Tribune-Review Publishing Co.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

$5 Bounty taken off the heads of feral cats in Iowa!

Feral Cat Round-up in Randolph Canceled!
March 13, 2008 : 4:20 PM
City of Randolph tried to instate bounty on cats - Not So Fast!

Breaking News!
Read the Omaha World-Herald article

It has been reported that the mayor canceled the bounty on the cats!

Best Friends is collaborating with the mayor of Randolph to devise and institute humane alternatives to controlling the feral cat population. We are excited to work with the city to devise a solution that the citizens of Randolph can be proud of.

Feral cat advocate organizations plan to make a presentation at a special City Council meeting next Thursday. The three main entities creating the plan are Best Friends Animal Society, Alley Cat Allies, and Feline Friendz in Nebraska.

Best Friends Volunteer Manager Tiffani Hill was able to orchestrate some extraordinary volunteers to go to last night's meeting. The outpouring of concerned citizens and volunteers are making this possible. Holly Sizemore of No More Homeless Pets Utah has a PowerPoint presentation ready for next week's meeting.

Please stay tuned!

The Background
Animal welfare organizations from across the country are mobilizing to help fight this short-sighted and barbaric proposal, which would put a $5 price tag on each cat brought in! This smacks of the ill-fated Wisconsin proposal to allow cat killing - start spreading the news and get everyone you know to get active against this proposal.

To read some of the background story click here

Read CNN's article!

How You Can Help
Please send a letter to the mayor, to thank him for deciding to work with Best Friends and other humane groups.

Mayor Vance Trively
107 S Main St
Randolph, Iowa 51649

Kansas City Animal Lovers! Help KC's Animals!

I read a very interesting article today and thought I would share the important points and my response.

According to

  • The Missouri Department of Agriculture has condemned the current building that houses Animal Control.
  • The current animal shelter at 4400 Raytown Road was built in the 1970s as a prefab building. It was supposed to last about 20 years. It is now over 30 years old. We need a new shelter!
  • The animal shelter houses about 175 animals. There is no area for prospective adopters to get to know the dogs or cats they are interested in. There is a small, cramped area where some medical treatment is provided and spay/neuters are done offsite.
  • Last year, KC Animal Control took in approximately 9700 animals. Of these only 1300 were returned to their owners. But 1400 were adopted out to new homes. That is terrible! The kill rate is 83.3%!! According to the ASPCA, the national kill rates are 60% for dogs and 70% for cats. Our kill rate is much higher than the average.

If you care about these animals please send a quick email to the city council. Below, I have provided text that you may copy into your own email. Please sign your real name-this has more of an effect. You can copy this exactly, change it up a little--or write your own. Try to stay with facts rather than your emotions.

Ex. I am so sad that all of these animals have been killed for no reason!
Better: I am appalled that my taxpayer dollars are being used to kill animals rather than care for them.

Dear (Insert name of city council member):

It has come to my attention that the city needs a new shelter. The shelter at 4400 Raytown Road is nearly 30 years old. I suggest Corporate Sponsorship and/or a tax. If we have corporate sponsorship for stadiums and convention centers, why not an animal shelter? As a taxpayer and voter, I will be following how the city handles this. Our city should set the example for the country and have an animal shelter that others envy.

I appreciate your response.


(Leave space to sign name) I always sign my name so that they know this isn't one of many "form" letters sent out by one person.

Your name

Dear (Insert name of city council member):

I recently became aware of the poor condition of the animal shelter at 4400 Raytown Road. It is appalling that we are allowing our city's animals to live in a building that was condemned by The Missouri Department of Agriculture, according to I would support a tax that would increase the wellbeing of the animals in the city's care.

Thank you for your time.


(Leave space to sign name) I always sign my name so that they know this isn't one of many "form" letters sent out by one person.

Your Name

*When I write letters, in addition to my return address on the envelope, I put my address below my signature AND my typed name. In case the envelope is lost or damaged, they still have your address and can respond to you if they'd like (or if you ask them to).

Click here to go to the City Council page

The address below is the same for all City Councilmen, they do have different phone numbers.
To address the envelope, just write their name between The City Council Office and City Hall, 24th Floor. Signing your *real* name adds legitimacy to your letter.

The City Council Office
City Hall, 24th floor
414 E. 12th St.
Kansas City MO 64106
Phone: (816) 513-1368
Fax: (816) 513-1612

The Mayor's Office
City Hall, 29th floor
Phone: (816) 513-3500
Fax: (816) 513-3518

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

South Carolina: Protect Dogs From Cruel Chaining and Tethering

Dogs who are kept chained in one spot for long periods of time suffers immense psychological damage, and can become neurotic, unhappy, anxious, and often very aggressive. In many cases, the necks of chained dogs become rubbed raw and covered with sores, the result of improperly fitted collars and the dogs' constant yanking and straining in desperate attempts to escape confinement.

You can help change this. New legislation (S.B. 833) has been introduced that will place restrictions on the tethering of dogs in South Carolina.

Please make a brief, polite phone call your state senator and ask him or her to support this legislation. Click here to look up your state senator and the phone number.

After you make your call, fill in and submit the form at the right to automatically send a follow-up email to your legislator. Remember to personalize the email message by expressing your opinion in your own words; it's much more effective.

Click here to go to a page to send an email

Alaska: Support Felony Penalties for Animal Cruelty

Alaska is one of just seven states in the entire country with no felony-level penalties for the most egregious acts of intentional animal cruelty, such as burning, poisoning, and torture.

Legislation (S.B. 273) has been introduced in the Alaska Senate to make it a felony to torture or poison an animal. This bill also increases the penalties for being a spectator at an animal fight. Stronger animal cruelty laws are essential to protect animals and our communities. It is critical that legislators hear from their constituents who support this bill!

Please make a brief, polite call to your state senator and urge support for S.B. 273 to strengthen Alaska's animal cruelty law. Click here to look up your state senator and the phone number.

After you make your phone call, fill out and submit the form on the right to automatically send an email to your senator. Remember to personalize the text below so that your message will stand out and have a greater impact.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Annie update

Annie is doing very well. There are two new cats staying in the room with her now. She is very curious about them and they are all adjusting fairly nicely. Isabella and Annie are not getting along too well, though. Sometimes Isabella will smell Annie and hiss and other times she just walks away. Jack is pretty good with her.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Former N.J. Coucilman To Face Animal Abuse Charges after leaving his dog outside in the freezing cold as it gave birth last year. 10 puppies frozen

CHESILHURST (CBS 3) ― A former New Jersey councilman is set to finally appear in court to face charges of animal cruelty after leaving his dog outside in the freezing cold as it gave birth last year.

After nearly a year of delays, former Chesilhurst Councilman Robert McCann is due in court on charges he left his pregnant Labrador Retriever Coco chained outside in 15-degree weather as she gave birth to 15 puppies last February.

Of the 15 newborn pups, only five survived. Officials said many of the puppies literally froze to death as they entered the world.

"The five puppies that did survive are healthy and happy today with very, very loving homes," said Kathy McGuire of N.J. Aid for Animals.

Coco has since been placed with another family.

McCann maintains he did nothing wrong in connection with the incident.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tell Lawmakers to Ensure That Animal Cruelty Is Treated as a Serious Crime

The Tracking Animal Cruelty Crimes Act of 2007 would require the FBI to add animal cruelty as a separate category in its crime data reporting system. Contact your senators and ask for their co-sponsorship and support of this bill!

The link between animal cruelty and other forms of societal violence is a national concern. The practice of dogfighting perfectly illustrates this connection, as it is almost always linked to illegal drug and weapons violations, gambling, aggravated assault and gang violence.

Laws that enable law enforcement agencies to address animal cruelty increasingly improve the lives of animals. However, reported incidents of animal cruelty are still not getting the attention they deserve because there is no national system designed to track these crimes. Instead, when local and state police agencies report animal cruelty incidents to the FBI, they are labeled “other offenses.” This in turn makes it nearly impossible to access and respond to even the most basic information about animal cruelty crimes and their perpetrators.

U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) wants to change this. Today, Sen. Menendez introduced the Tracking Animal Cruelty Crimes Act of 2007, which would require the FBI to add animal cruelty as a separate category in its National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Doing so will help law enforcement agencies track animal cruelty crimes, which will help stop the cycle of violence and allow researchers to study animal cruelty’s connection to other forms of societal violence. This critical bill ensures that animal cruelty is finally treated as a serious crime.

The American Humane Association supports this legislation. Tell your senators to co-sponsor and support the Tracking Animal Cruelty Crimes Act of 2007!

Help protect pets and shelter animals from being used in research (in Michigan only)

Michigan is considering a bill that would strictly regulate how cats and dogs used for research are obtained.

Under current Michigan law, research facilities and Class B dealers are allowed to obtain cats and dogs from animal shelters. Class B dealers are brokers licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture who obtain animals from “random sources,” such as backyards, auctions, flea markets and animal shelters, and resell them to research facilities.

People bring stray animals to a shelter in the hope of reuniting the pet with its family, and report animal cruelty in the hope that the animal will be rescued and safely sheltered. When an animal shelter sells a cat or dog for research, it is a betrayal of public trust.

Introduced by Rep. Coleman A. Young II (D-District 4), House Bill 5263 would amend sections of the Michigan Dog Law of 1919 to regulate the purchase and sale of random source cats and dogs. The bill prohibits any person, including Class B dealers, research facilities and “bunchers” (unlicensed individuals who collect and sell random source animals), from purchasing, acquiring, selling or making available a random source cat or dog for research or experimentation. The bill specifically eliminates Michigan’s animal control, animal protection shelters, and public animal auctions from releasing a dog or cat for research or experimentation.

The bill will not inhibit medical research, as research facilities will still be able to obtain cats and dogs from licensed dealers or breeders who breed animals for research. However, it is an important step in protecting companion animals and homeless or abused shelter animals by establishing safeguards on how research animals are obtained.

Despite advances that have reduced the use of animals for research, many research facilities continue to conduct experiments and test products on animals. American Humane opposes the surrender of animals by animal shelters and animal control agencies to labs, science and research facilities, or pharmaceutical and educational institutions. All animals in the possession of a shelter or animal control agency should be returned to their rightful owners, placed in suitable homes or humanely euthanized.

Please support this important initiative by contacting your representative!

This action alert is for residents of the following states only: Michigan

Support Massachusetts’ Anti-Breed-Specific Legislation!

Breed-specific legislation (BSL) generally refers to any type of regulation, legislation or municipal ordinance that designates certain dog breed types as dangerous or illegal. Breed-specific legislation is designed to restrict or regulate the ownership of certain breeds of dogs.

Many states, counties and municipal governments look to BSL as an answer to reduce dog attacks. Some states, such as Ohio, classify certain breeds as inherently dangerous in their state codes. The statutes often place severe restrictions on dog owners of a particular breed or ban the breed outright.

However, studies have shown that it is not the breeds themselves that are dangerous, but situations that are creating dangerous dogs. Dogs that have attacked or bitten humans generally are:

  • Dogs that have been obtained for negative functions, such as fighting or guarding
  • Dogs that owners have failed to humanely care for, control and properly train
  • Dogs that are left unsupervised with children
  • Dogs that have not been spayed/neutered

Instead of unfairly penalizing a specific breed, this bill:

  • Affirmatively states that any dog, regardless of breed or type, may be classified as a dangerous dog
  • Establishes clear guidelines for when dogs are classified as “dangerous” based on quantifiable past actions
  • Creates clear exemptions for dogs who attack a person in response to a willful trespass or other injury, have been teased, tormented or abused by a person, or have responded to a person committing or attempting to commit a crime
  • Provides a system for a potentially dangerous dog to have the designation removed

Please join American Humane in supporting this important bill by contacting your representative and senators!

This action alert is for residents of the following states only: Massachusetts

Ban Unfair Insurance Practices Targeting Certain Dog Breeds in Illinois

Insurance companies have been re-evaluating their coverage for homeowners who have dogs such as “pit bulls,” rottweilers, German shepherds, Doberman pinschers, Akitas and chow chows.

One-third of all liability claims against homeowners are dog-bite-related, and insurers claim dog bites cost them $351.4 million in 2006. Consequently, some insurance companies are declining, terminating or limiting the amount or type of insurance coverage a property owner can have, as well as imposing increased premiums under a homeowner’s insurance policy based on the type or specific breed of dog living at the residence.

Insurance discrimination is another form of breed-specific legislation (BSL). BSL generally refers to legislation, regulations or municipal ordinances that restrict the ownership of certain dog breeds, sometimes designating certain breeds as dangerous or illegal.

However, studies have shown that it is not the breeds themselves that are dangerous, but unfavorable situations that are creating dangerous dogs. Dogs that have attacked or bitten humans generally are:

  • Dogs that have been obtained for negative functions such as fighting or guarding.
  • Dogs that the owners have failed to humanely care for, control and properly train.
  • Dogs that are left unsupervised with children.
  • Dogs that have not been spayed or neutered.

The consequences of insurance discrimination are wide-ranging. Penalizing certain dog owners not only causes financial challenges for them, but also results in a greater number of dogs surrendered to shelters.

Assembly Bill 1279 would prevent insurance companies from unfairly discriminating against consumers based on the breed of dog at their residences. It stops insurance companies from declining, terminating or limiting the amount or type of insurance coverage a property owner can have if a certain breed lives on the property. The bill also prevents companies from imposing higher premiums under a homeowner’s insurance policy on the basis of the type or specific breed of dog living at the residence.

Please support this important bill along with American Humane by contacting your legislators!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Cat microwaved to death during robbery in Canada-Trial for 13 year old and three 15 year olds begins 4.3.08

Four Alberta teens have been charged with animal cruelty after a cat was found dead in a microwave.

It's alleged that three 15-year-olds and a 13-year-old broke into a Camrose home on Dec. 30, and put the family cat named Princess in the microwave.

Police say the incident happened while the homeowners were out of town. A friend who checked on the home made the grisly discovery, finding the cat inside the microwave. She said she found the words, "Nice cat, look in the microwave" scrawled in felt pen on the kitchen window and on the glass of the kitchen cabinets.

Police say the microwave had been turned on-resulting in the cat's death.

"Obviously, it's very disturbing. We're used to dealing with property crime but when you go and do something like this it's upsetting," said Camrose Police Service Insp. Lee Foreman.

The incident has left the community in shock.

Indian Kashmir to Poison 100,000 Stray Dogs

RINAGAR — Officials in Indian-Kashmir have poisoned hundreds of dogs and aim to kill all 100,000 strays in the region's main city — saying the animals pose a risk to humans and make urban life unbearable.

With the world's highest rabies fatality rate, India has long struggled to control its millions of stray dogs, a problem exacerbated by rapidly growing cities and slums.

Animal rights activists vowed Thursday to go to court to stop the slaughter planned by Srinagar city, saying it is an illegal and cruel solution to a problem that could be addressed in other ways.

City officials, however, said they would press ahead.

"These dogs have become a big nuisance and they are threatening humans," said Dr. Riyaz Ahmad, the Srinagar city health officer who is organizing the killings.

"We have placed orders for the poison and then we will launch a large-scale drive. For the time being we are doing it with stocks we have," he told The Associated Press.

Ahmad said so far some 500 dogs have been killed. Asked if officials plan to kill all the city's strays — estimated at more than 100,000 — he said, "that's the target."

While officials have touted the program as an anti-rabies drive, Ahmad acknowledged that with only two deaths from 1,341 dog bites reported in Srinagar last year, it was more about appeasing the public.

"They should have done it earlier; these dogs have made our lives hell," said Shabir Ahmad, a construction worker.

"My son often asks when will I get these dogs killed because he is afraid to leave the house," said Muhammad Hayat Jeelani, a government worker.

Animal activists said they would try to stop the killings.

"We are going to file a suit against the municipal corporation if they go ahead with this, because this poisoning drive will be against the prevention of cruelty act," said Javaid Iqbal Shah, the deputy head of the Srinagar Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals.

Shah said the poison used, strychnine, was particularly cruel, causing terrible suffering to the dogs.

"It cripples the nervous system and then chokes the animal. It is not a good sight to see these animals die by the roadside. I have seen children cry when they pass by these dying dogs," he said.

The poison, which is left in garbage dumps in pieces of offal, also inadvertently kills other animals, like cows, Shah said.

Shah said he had proposed the city carry out a sterilization program instead but acknowledged that his organization had only managed to sterilize 400 dogs in the last two years.

India accounts for more than 60 percent of the estimated 35,000 annual global rabies deaths, according to the World Health Organization, and stray dogs are often blamed.

In some areas, dogs form feral packs that have attacked people. However, other strays are "community pets," semi-tame animals who are cared for and fed by residents.

Other Indian cities have struggled unsuccessfully to curb the stray problem.

India's high-tech hub of Bangalore called off a drive to slaughter strays last year following allegations that untrained workers were stoning, strangling and beating the dogs to death.

In New Delhi, one city councilor suggested shipping the country's strays to Korea, where dog meat is considered a delicacy.

Other health officials in Srinagar said the city was exaggerating the danger posed by the dogs and could better spend the money on treatment.

"The real problem is that hospitals are poorly equipped to deal with dog bites," said Dr. Saleem Khan, who runs a state rabies clinic in Srinagar.

Khan noted that only one out of five rabies vaccinations needed after a bite were paid for by the hospital. The rest had to be bought privately for about $8.50 — more than a week's wages for many — and with most victims poor children, that was nearly impossible, he said.

China has also grappled with rabies outbreaks that kill more than 2,000 people each year, prompting officials throughout that country to order periodic dog killings.

Vet thinks yellow lab was used as bait dog-mouth tied shut--found severely wounded-Please donate if you can!

This story is from a group I am in:

I just stopped by the Cherokee County Animal Shelter with Mary Carpenter
from Saving Gaffney Pets and there was a yellow lab there that had been
hit by a car or shot or beaten. She had a wound in her chest and a wound
in her backend and she was bleeding profusely... Out of her nose and
mouth and both wounds. Her paws were covered in blood. It was TERRIBLE.

She was attacked by another dog and it looks like
she just rolled over on her back and let the other dog maul her. She is
covered in wounds over her body... The weird thing is that she has
bruises on her face, so the vet said she might have been used as a bait
dog and they tied her mouth shut. It's sick, really. I haven't gotten a
final total on her care yet, but right now it is at upwards of $500.

She needs all the help she can get. I talked with the vet today and she
has three broken bones as well.

If anyone wants to donate, please call (864) 489-8446 (Piedmont Animal
Hospital) in the morning (03/03) and tell them it's for the Yellow Lab
Saving Gaffney Pets is bringing in.

This is the rescue that is currently paying for this poor dog's care:

Family dog shot for stealing food in Conifer, Colorado-March 12-Sentencing

A Jefferson County man who authorities said shot the family dog over a stolen morsel of food pleaded guilty Monday to charges of animal cruelty and prohibited use of a weapon, officials said.

Devin Shane Calhoun, 35, was arrested Aug. 12, 2007 after family members told police Calhoun took the dog, Lucky, outside and shot it following the theft of food from Calhoun's dinner plate. Lucky survived the gunshot wound.

Calhoun reportedly led the dog to a meadow near the house. His wife said she "heard one gunshot and the dog whine for a little bit."

Jefferson County district attorney spokeswoman Pam Russell said Calhoun faces up to 1 1/2 years in jail and a fine of up to $5,000. Sentencing will be March 12.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Dogs Deserve Better Delivers Valentines to 10,435 Dogs in it's 6th Annual Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week, February 7-14, 2008, Exceeding our Goal!

The good news: We did it! Last year we missed our goal of 8,000 by almost 800 dogs...but this year, we came right back and exceeded our goal of 10,000 by over 400 Valentines! Give yourselves a pat on the back...without EVERYONE doing their share, this would never have been possible. We sent 3,203 more than last year, for a total of 10,435.

We attribute much of our campaign success to your efforts and the efforts of our area reps, as well as the Best Friend's Network, which embraced the campaign and put it out to the main network as well as many of the state pages. HSUS also put the word out for us, and we received letters from classes who participated as a result of seeing the campaign in HSUS Kind News. Many, many of our valentine contributors came from near the Atlanta, Georgia area as a result of an Atlanta Journal Constitution article by Sandy Eckstein. The value of a good newspaper article can really go a long way!

States in which Valentines were created: 36
Contributors per state:

Georgia 36, Pennsylvania 29, California 17, New York 13, Illinois 12, Tennessee 11, Texas 7, Nevada 2, Indiana 3, Ohio 7, Utah 2, North Carolina 5, Washington 3, Nebraska 5, Michigan 7, Florida 9, Maryland 2, Wisconsin 4, New Jersey 5, Kentucky 3, Virginia 3, New Mexico 1, Arizona 2, Colorado 1, Oklahoma 2, Kansas 1, Alabama 1, Massachusetts 3, South Carolina 2, Missouri 2, Maine 1, Minnesota 2, Oregon 1, West Virginia 1, New Hampshire 1, Louisiana 1, and Ontario, Canada

Volunteers who stuffed Valentines: 33

Valentines sent/delivered total: 10,435
Broken down by state/country

Canada 51

United States
Alaska: 2
Alabama: 87
Arkansas: 141
Arizona: 71
California: 165
Colorado: 40
Connecticut: 32
Delaware: 68
Florida: 310
Georgia: 673
Hawaii: 2
Iowa: 47
Idaho: 64
Illinois: 417
Indiana: 546
Kansas: 64
Kentucky: 106
Louisiana: 49
Massachusetts: 70
Maryland: 262
Maine: 34

Michigan: 234
Minnesota: 49
Mississippi: 52
Missouri: 279
Montana: 6
North Carolina: 928
Nebraska: 37
Nevada: 20
New Hampshire: 20
New Jersey: 89
New Mexico: 83
New York: 482
Ohio: 1004
Oklahoma: 34
Oregon: 172
Pennsylvania: 1659
Rhode Island: 10
South Carolina: 215
South Dakota: 11
Tennessee: 466
Texas: 504
Utah: 24
Virginia: 336
Vermont: 23
Washington: 85
Wisconsin: 175
West Virginia: 129
Wyoming: 6

This year the only state that didn't have a Valentine sent to it was North Dakota.

If you are in a state where you know there are a lot of chained or penned dogs, but you see hardly any Valentines mailed there, please get addresses right now, and we will mail them letters and brochures. It's important to start the educational process as soon as possible.

Thanks so much to all who participated, we are making a difference in those dogs lives!