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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dog saved owner's life

Maureen Burns, 64, has a 10 year old dog named Max and he saved her life. He began to exhibit some strange behaviors. He was a playful dog who became more withdrawn. He was smelling her breath and nudging her right breast.

She examined her breasts and found a lump. She visited the doctor but the lump did not show up on the mammogram. She asked them to take a biopsy because she was sure she had cancer.

“On the same day as the biopsy, I told my nurse that I already knew, as my dear dog had told me."
“I thought she’d laugh but she said she’d heard it before.”
Maureen had two operations to remove the malignant lump, as well as radiotherapy. Her prognosis is excellent.

Maureen is now supporting Cancer and Bio-detection Dogs.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Low Cost Spay/Neuter in New Jersey March 2

Appointments are now being taken for a low cost spay/neuter clinic to be held on March 2 for cats and dogs owned by lower-income Ocean County residents.

"The low cost clinics can be very helpful to families with limited funds who wish to spay or neuter their pet, but can't afford it during the current economic downturn," said Freeholder Deputy Director Gerry. P. Little.

"It makes sense to eliminate unplanned litters, since most pet owners are not professional breeders," said Ella Boyd, VMD, public health coordinator. "The low cost spay/neuter clinic is a tool to help stop the bringing of unwanted puppies or kittens into an already heavily-populated pet world."

Dr. Boyd noted that some pet owners are not able to afford the full cost of neutering or spaying an animal. "The clinic can help a family of modest means meet the costs of such a service. For $30, a family can have its cat spayed or neutered or the family dog fixed for $45."

The program is sponsored by the Volunteer Auxiliary for Animal Shelters, Inc., and supported by the Ocean County Health Department and the Jersey Shore Animal Shelter, according to Edward Rumen, Health Department public information officer.

Rumen said the clinic will be held in a mobile surgical clinic to be located in the parking lot at the American Veterans Hall, Route 571, one mile north of Hope Chapel Road, Jackson Township. Dog appointments begin at 8:30 a.m., while cat appointments begin at 9 a.m. There is a two pet maximum per household.

"The procedures will be performed by licensed veterinarians using dissolvable stitches," Rumen added. "At the time of the procedure, the pet also will receive a rabies shot."

Little stated, "Once spayed or neutered, your pet should be happier and you may be helping it by reducing the risk factors for certain types of feline cancers and diseases."

"Pre-registration is necessary and applicants must qualify for participation based upon household income, which can be up to 185 percent of the federal poverty level," Rumen said. "For this program, income verification is necessary. To pre register and to receive more information, including maximum income eligibility, please call 732-657-8086." 

**If you read this after the date listed, contact the organization/clinic.  Often times, they offer these services on a regular basis.  If not, these clinics may offer the low cost clinics once a month.  You can use the same contact information listed above.**

A rabid cat was found! Hide your cats, the witch hunt is on!

A woman and her friend were jogging somewhere in Manhattan, NY, and a cat jumped on one of their backs. This cat attacked 4 people in all and 1 dog. Animal control was able to catch it and kill it. They are trying to notify one of the people attacked because she needs treatment within 10 days or she could die. Read more about the story here.

Maybe I am just paranoid because I feed outdoor cats (and have to hide it!) but I feel a witch hunt coming on! One rabid cat in a city of millions of stray cats and now all of these so-called "educated" officials will call for all the heads of the strays. I tried to find the incidence rate of rabies but I am finding all kinds of "rates" depending on how the person who wrote the findings wants to sway it. (Why can't we just have the
facts!?) Someone who loves birds (and thinks that cats are responsible for the bird decline instead of human destruction *sigh*) will say that there is a high incidence of rabies so allferal/stray cats should be killed. Someone who feeds ferals might say that there is a low incidence. I don't think there are any accurate findings that we can really rely on.

I have personally known of hundreds of stray or feral cats that come into the shelter and none of them have had rabies. That's not much but it at least tells me that it is not common-in my area anyway. For comparison, the incidence of FIV is anywhere from 1-3%, depending on who is telling you the stats. We have had quite a few FIV+ cats come through the shelter. We have 5 at the shelter right now! So, I have to assume that the rabies risk is pretty low, since we have had NO cats with rabies. We do NOT kill cats with FIV because they can live a very normal life with no problems. Click here to read about FIV.

This is why Trap Neuter Release (
TNR) is so important. If you trap or catch a free roaming or feral cat they are vaccinated against rabies when they are fixed! So, when they go back outside, they are not vulnerable to the disease if they happen to get into a squabble with a wild animal.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

All Charges Dropped in Case of Animal Control Officer Shooting Mother Cat and Two Kittens (He claimed self defense!)

An animal control officer who shot and killed three cats will soon be back on the job.
All charges against Fred Grasso have been dropped.
Grasso faced two unclassified misdemeanor charges for allegedly violating the state’s Agriculture and Markets Law. The first count charged him with cruelty to animals and the other alleged he euthanized a dog or cat by gunshot.  How was this last one dropped?!  It is undeniable that he euthanized killed the cat and kittens by gunshot.
The judge pointed out that for Grasso to be convicted of the cruelty charge, he would have to have acted “unjustifiably” in the shooting of the cats.
Town Justice Richard Scott ruled that Fred Grasso didn't actually commit a crime when he shot and killed three cats last June.

Grasso said the reason he shot the animals was because they were rabid (don't you have to kill the animal to test brain tissue to make a diagnosis of Rabies?!) and a danger. The judge agreed and cleared him of any wrongdoing.
The judge said because the officer thought the animals were wild and dangerous, he broke no law by shooting them.
Animal advocates expressed their disappointment. "I know of no case ever where kittens have killed or harmed a human being to the point where deadly force needs to be used," said Barbara Carr of the SPCA.
Grasso's attorney Arcangelo Petricca said, "He does not destroy animals unfairly or unjustly. He felt that he was in danger and that the tenants and residents of that building were in danger, and he had to act quickly and swiftly in order to save them." He had to save the residents from a mother cat and two kittens?!  Are you kidding me?  This is ridiculous!

Petricca called his client “an animal lover himself” who is also a cat owner and who “doesn’t destroy animals unfairly or unjustly.”  An animal lover who has no problem shooting a cat and her kittens.  He saw them hiss and went to get his rifle.  He didn't close the door (which would have enclosed them in the basement, thus, protecting the residents from these big bad kitties!) and wait for someone to help him, he didn't close the door and stop to think...
“[Grasso] felt strongly from the beginning he acted justifiably,” Petricca said. “All I know is he’s tremendously relieved.”
New York State does not have any requirements in place for someone who wants to be an animal control officer.
Assemblyman Sam Hoyt tells News 4 legislation is currently being drafted to change that.

Here is the Judge's Information:  (I urge you to contact him!  Tell him the TNR was the best option for these kitties-not a gun shot to the head!  Click here and here for information to include in your letter.  Use this opportunity to show your disappointment and EDUCATE this judge.  Being rude or impolite truly hurts our cause!)
Richard B. Scott (D)
West Seneca Town Hall
1250 Union Road
West Seneca, New York 14224
phone - 1-716-558-3246

Click here for video.


Man beat 5 Pomeranian puppies to death with hammer and is ACQUITTED!

Keith Barton, 73,  killed five Pomeranian puppies with a hammer because he did not want the SPCA officers to seize them.  The SPCA went to his house to seize his thirteen dogs.  He would rather these five be dead than held at the city shelter while he straightened things out?  I mean, the city shelter might have killed them too but at least it would have been more humane than getting their head smashed in with a hammer!

Keith Barton had applied for a licence for Pet Me Kennel, said animal protection officer David Lynch, and a follow-up inspection was being conducted after he had been told to clean up the property.  The SPCA officials and the animal control officer found that his property still did not meet kennel standards and proceeded to seize the dogs.

Barton was playing with the dogs in the yard as the 11 Pomeranians began to be seized, Lynch said. The protection officer said he noticed Barton takings dogs into a shed and thought he was looking for privacy to say goodbye to the animals.

"When he came out of the shed, he put on a coat. He sat on a chair on his back step, and he never said a word ," Lynch said. "I went into the shed to take the animals, and that's when I discovered that … they were dead."

Five of the dogs inside the shed were dead and one was seriously injured, Lynch said.

Judge Patricia Cumming must be mentally impaired because she said there was evidence that the the dog were "rendered unconscious" when they were hit and did not suffer when he was bashing their heads in with a hammer.  What about the first strike that (supposedly) caused them to lose consciousness?

She did feel that one dog, Jake, who survived, did feel pain.  She found him guilty of injuring the dog.  

Barton told the court, in November, he thought he had the right to kill his dogs and he didn't want the SPCA to take his dogs. He testified that he couldn't let the seizure happen because he "loved the dogs so desperately."

When Barton also testified he described the day he killed his dogs as "the worst day of my life, when I had to do that to my babies."

Barton said he would have killed all of the dogs if he had more time.

The Minto man said he thought he had a right to put his dogs down but a provincial veterinary pathologist said Barton's tactics were not an acceptable method of euthanasia for dogs.

The vet said it would have taken three to five minutes for the dogs to die.

Not only did he kill these puppies, he also neglected them while they were alive.  He was charged with three counts of failing to give proper care to his thirteen Pomeranians.  Why only three counts if there were thirteen Pomeranians?  The Judge only fined him the minimum of about $120 on each case.

The judge gave him a conditional discharge, with the condition that he cannot own a dog or pet for the next 12 months.  

This is an extremely violent act and at the end of this, we have five dead puppies, a $360 fine for not providing water to three of the thirteen dogs, the condition that he cannot own any animals for twelve months, and he was found guilty of injuring an animal (the one who survived).  What about the ones he KILLED?  Do they not deserve justice!?


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Utility employee kicks 2 pound teacup chihuahua, breaks her neck and kills her!

What began as a day of packing and moving for Brianne Enos ended with the death of the family’s two-pound Teacup Chihuahua, Gwen, after a Southwest Gas Corp. employee kicked it and broke its neck, according to the family.
The family said the employee was at the home on Friday for a service call when he kicked the 9-year-old dog, breaking her neck and killing her after the dog ran out of the home and began to bark.
“He did this right in from of my wife while she’s holding my 2-month-old baby boy,” Kevin Enos said.
Brianne Enos called San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Hesperia station and filed a report on Friday, sheriff’s officials said.

The couple says their dog did run out and bark at the employee, whose name has not been released by Southwest Gas, but stated that the man did not give Brianne Enos enough time to put down her child and chase after the dog before he kicked it.
Southwest Gas sent its condolances along with their explanation.
“In the presence of Mrs. Enos and while outside of their residence, the service technician was charged twice by the homeowner’s aggressive dog which resulted in an unfortunate incident. Southwest Gas offers its condolences to the Enos family and regrets the unfortunate accident,” the statement continued.

People living in house with 13 dead cats and 2 dogs

Police continue to investigate cases of animal cruelty at an Arvada home, a suburb of Denver. The carcasses of 13 cats and two dogs were removed from a house at 54th & Cody on Tuesday.

Two dogs were rescued and are now awaiting adoption at the Table Mountain Animal Center .

Police say they've been to the home repeatedly since last summer on complaints of loose animals and trash in the yard.

"There were some calls that we came out and addressed those issues with the homeowners regarding dogs in the yard and such but there was nothing ever to lead us to believe what was happening inside the house and the number of dead animals that were inside the house," said Susan Medina, Arvada Police spokesperson.

One woman who noticed an underfed dog in the front yard last August wonders why more wasn't done.

"Because if they would have done something six months ago, they probably wouldn't have found 15 dead animals," said Carol, who didn't want her last name used. "Maybe four or five, but for 15 dead animals in six months, that's a little hard to believe."


Animal shelter operators spent donations on drugs while cats languished and died

More than 70 malnourished cats and several cat carcasses were discovered by police Jan. 24 after the shelter's owner and operator, Virginia Kresge Justiniano, 49, and her boyfriend, Andrew Oxenrider, 38, of Tower City, were arrested on drug possession charges after a traffic stop in Pine Grove, Pennsylvania.

Police followed the drugs arrests by going to the shelter near Pine Grove. Investigators found cats and other animals that were dead, dying or starving. They found pallets filled with donated cat food, and they accuse Oxenrider of selling that cat food.

Oxenrider will also face attempted bribery charges after allegedly offering a Pine Grove borough police officer $500 to let him out of the traffic stop, while Justiniano will face animal cruelty charges after abandoning the felines for months, according to the Schuylkill County District Attorney's office.

Police said the home was littered with hypodermic needles and syringes while cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana and other drugs were found in both the house and a nearby hotel room Justiniano and Oxenrider were renting.

Also, Justiniano and Oxenrider could face federal fraud charges for using shelter donations to buy drugs, according to Hall.

On her way into court, Justiniano spoke with Newswatch 16. "I believe the media has been misleading and I have no other comment," she said. She then added, "I'll let my past actions speak for themselves."

While unconfirmed, Hall said stories have been circulating that out-of-state donors may have given huge sums -- in one case, $25,000 -- to Cats With No Name over the past several years.

Hall said the shelter had once been a reputable, legitimate animal-care facility. However, Justiniano and Oxenrider allegedly began using donation money to buy drugs rather than food or medical supplies for the felines, according to police.

Police also said allege couple sold crates of cat food to raise drug money.

SPCA workers said it appeared several cats had resorted to eating a decaying deer carcass after not being properly fed for weeks. Thirteen cats have been euthanized and at least five cats died from starvation or extreme temperatures, SPCA workers said.

A group from the SPCA helped police build the cruelty case against Justiniano and Oxenrider.

"We cannot find any excuse for this to happen," said Beth Hall of Deer Lake. "In my opinion, it was like a kitty concentration camp - frozen cats, dead cats, starving cats."

"It blows my mind!" echoed Kristen Overkott of Atlas. "She was fully aware of what was going on and she had all the proper materials - medications, food, everything - to keep these cats healthy, and just seemed to refuse to do so."

Justiniano and Oxenrider remain in Schuylkill County Prison in lieu of $25,000 bail.  A hearing on the cruelty cases will be held next month in Schuylkill County. Justiniano and Oxenrider face fines and jail time if convicted.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Karma had her second surgery on Wednesday and is doing great!

Karma had another Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO) done on Wednesday.  She was up and about the morning after her surgery and was able to come home just two days later!  For those of you who do not know about Karma, she was a stray who was hit by a car.  She needed two FHOs done on her back hips due to the impact of the car.  The procedures were done about a month apart.  Her first surgery was on January 20th, her second on Feb 18th.  The picture of her laying on the blanket is from today, the other two are from yesterday.

She is soooo happy to be back home!  She loves sitting on our laps and purrs any time we get near her!  She definitely feels at home with us.  

Low Cost Spay/Neuter in Colorado

This year several organizations are participating in Spay Day USA, an effort to provide low-cost spay neuter across the country including in Colorado in order to control the cat overpopulation problem.

Sunday, February 22, Spay Today will be offering $25 procedures. Preregistration is recommended but walk-ins may be accommodated. Call 303-98-4SPAY to preregister for this event.
The Cat Care Society, Divine Feline, the Dumb Friends League Meow Mobile and LuLu Mobile, and Rocky Mountain Alley Cat Alliance  have teamed up with the goal of providing 130 spay and neuter procedures on Monday, February 23. Contact Kathleen Kramburg at 303-202-3516 or

On Tuesday, February 24 the Harrison Memorial Animal Hospital will be offering subsidized spay and neuter at a cost of $25. To make an appointment, call 303-722-5800 extension 525.

The Longmont Humane Society will be performing $20 spays and neuters for cats on Wednesday, February 25. Call the shelter at 303-772-1232 extension 280 to make an appointment.

These generous organizations are offering these procedures at a very low-cost so there isn't any reason why you can't help control the cat overpopulation problem in your community. Start today by making an appointment for your cat!

**If you read this after the date listed, contact the organization/clinic.  Often times, they offer these services on a regular basis.  If not, these clinics may offer the low cost clinics once a month.  You can use the same contact information listed above.**

Low Cost Spay/Neuter Options in Massachusetts

The Cambridge Animal Commission is working with the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society (MRFRS) to have the Spay Mass Van visit Cambridge. Dates are Feb. 25, March 25 and April 28 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the Gore Street side of the East Cambridge Fire Station.
MRFRS is a nationally recognized, nonprofit volunteer organization committed to ensuring the health and welfare of feral and domestic cats and kittens by promoting proactive, compassionate, no-kill programs. The van travels to locations such as local humane societies, schools, town/city halls and other central locations and provides high-volume, low-cost spay/neuter services to cats and kittens. Low-cost vaccines and micro-chipping services and other veterinary services are also provided.
Pet owners drop their cats and kittens off at the van location in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. The Spay Mass Van operates five days a week and travels to numerous locations in Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire.

The cost is $75 for spay/neuter and vaccine services. For an appointment, email or call 888-495-7729. For more information, call 978-462-0760 or visit

**If you read this after the date listed, contact the organization/clinic.  Often times, they offer these services on a regular basis.  If not, these clinics may offer the low cost clinics once a month.  You can use the same contact information listed above.**

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Update on Oklahoma teens who beat their two pet cats and posted video on youtube

Two Lawton area teens accused of beating a cat and posting it on YouTube over the weekend will be going through the juvenile justice process in Oklahoma. The 14 and 16-year-old brothers each face two charges of animal cruelty after law enforcement was directed to two videos on Sunday that showed the beating and torture of the grey cat named Dusty, and each video carries separate charges.

During their investigation, the Comanche County Sheriff's Department discovered a third abuse video that shows the beating of a black and white cat - also at a teens' home. The sheriff's department rescued that cat today.

The videos uploaded to YouTube show two separate incidents of animal abuse involving the same cat, and the teens face separate charges for each video. "We filed two counts of animal cruelty on each of the two teenagers today," said Comanche County District Attorney Robert Schulte. "They will be referred to the juvenile court system. We'll expect them to make their appearance early this week before the juvenile judge."

The teenagers have a right to a jury trial, and if they waive that, a judge will decide their fate. Until the two suspects are 18-years-old they are considered juveniles and the court records will be sealed. However, Schulte says he knows there is a lot of public concern over the case, and the court is taking it seriously. "I can tell you that our juvenile judge is a long-standing judge, very conservative, very well thought of, very well respected judge," he said. "He will do what he believes is necessary, and feels best in this case as it goes through the system."

The courts have ensured that the pets will not be abused again. Dusty was removed from the home on Sunday, and the second cat was removed Tuesday. "They have been treated by local veterinarians, they are doing well," said Schulte. "They will not go back into the home, and they are expected to be adopted out into a good home in the next few days."

Schulte says he did not know what punishment the boys may face if found guilty, but said the penalties for a juvenile conviction could include psychological counseling, court monitoring until they turn 18, community service to provide restitution for treatment of animals, and/or placement in court custody. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Low Cost Declawing

You will actually not find any vet who will do "low cost" declawing.  There are a few reasons for this: 1. It is NOT medically necessary.  2. It does NOT better the health of your cat. 3. It is an amputation and many vets won't even perform the procedure because they feel it is unethical.

Declawing is uncommon outside the United States.  It is banned in England, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand.  In the United Kingdom, it is actually illegal and under their law is considered animal cruelty!  Source:

As you can see below, the incision goes beyond just the claw.  Not only is the bone removed, but so are ligaments, tendons and nerves. This is a painful surgery that requires recovery time. This human equivalent is to break your last knuckle and cut off the tips of your fingers.  Sounds like a good deal, huh?  Try living a normal life without the ends of your fingers.

Read more about the procedure by clicking here .

You can believe all of the nuts out there who defend declawing if you want-it's your cat.  My childhood cat was declawed when I was about 9.  Of course, I did not have the opinions I have now and I had no qualms about him getting declawed.  My mother made the decision and he actually had no problems with the procedure itself except for bloody bandages for a few days.  However, he did have one problem because of being declawed.  He was at my grandmother's house (in the country) while we were on vacation when I was about 11 and he was attacked by two feral cats when he slipped out of the door.  From that attack, he received about a 2 inch long, 1 inch deep gash on his back.  If he had claws, he probably would have felt confident enough to fight them back and could have done some damage to them.  Without his claws, it seems that he just tried to run away and they pounced on him.  

That is one of the biggest reasons people (like me) oppose declawing.  We are taking away one of the only defenses a cat has to protect itself!

If you want to declaw your cat, be prepared to deal with the consequences!  When people declaw their cat, they can have issues such as litter box aversion (going outside the litter box), they can lose the ability to climb, jump or keep their balance, their behavior and demeanor may change due to their perceived vulnerability.  Your cat may live in pain because as cat owners we know that cats often hide pain or illness.  Having no claws and no bone in their foot drastically changes the design of their foot.  They are designed to run, jump, climb and be very agile.  Without those bones, they might not be able to do those things as well as they should.  

There is no way to tell how a cat will react to a declawing procedure but why (if you love your cat) would you gamble with their health both mentally and physically?!?!  It may end up just fine, or you may bring your happy, friendly cat to the vet and live the rest of your life with a scared, unpredictable ball of fur in the corner who doesn't use the litter box!  What would you do then?  Bring it to the shelter to be killed-OF COURSE!!!!

I see it all the time.  People bring cats to the shelter (where we DO NOT KILL THEM but most of the time the people do not know that when they bring their cat in) and they say they have behavior problems and yes, they declawed them.  Hmm...and we ask, well when did the behavior problems start? (Usually after declawing, or made worse with declawing)  What can we do to help you with your cat?  Can we help correct the behavior so you can bring them back home with you?  Nope.  They want to leave the cat with us and get a new one.  At least they won't be killed with us.

People declaw cats for convenience.  Would you take your child to the doctor to have the last knuckle broken and the ends of their fingers cut off because they are being destructive?  OF COURSE NOT!  How would they live their lives normally?  They are supposed to have the ends of their fingers!!

So, why would you even consider it with an animal that uses those "fingers" for protection!?

Before you have a cat declawed, consider how painful the procedure is and try alternatives. There are several: (1) Learn to clip your cat's nails  , (2) give Soft Paws a try, (3) supply lots of tall and STURDY scratching posts and encourage their usage and discourage scratching anywhere else. Cats want their scratching posts to be sturdy and not move when they scratch on them.  I find that most cats prefer sisal rope scratching posts (click here for one I have personally that my cats love and does not move when they scratch on it) and the cardboard ones that lay on the floor (click here for an example) but definitely shop around for one that your cat likes most.


Teenagers in Oklahoma video taped themselves beating a cat and posted it on Youtube

An animal abuse story that has sparked outrage across the country has Comanche County Sheriff Kenny Stradley saying that two local boys are responsible. The teen was filmed beating and torturing a cat, and uploaded it to YouTube over the weekend. It was viewed about 30,000 times.

Internet observers along with information from popular websites such as YouTube, Reddit, Digg, Facebook and Myspace, came up with pictures posted by a teen in Lawton that related to parts of the video. That's when 7News and local authorities began receiving calls. "At this time, it appears that it is here in Lawton. We re just at the beginning of this, but it s looking like it is from Comanche County," said Stradley.

The horrifying day may be over for the cat, but it is just getting started for its abusers. "We'll put it together and take it to the D.A. It will be up to the D.A. whether or not he files charges or not. Our job is to put the investigation together as a case and take it to the DA and that's what we'll do," said Stradley.

Sheriff Kenny Stradley says the cat has been taken to a local veterinarian and that investigators have questioned two boys.

The abusers names are not being released because they are minors.

What I want to know is who are the sick people, all 30,000 of them who would watch this video!?!?!  This is just disgusting! 

Contact Sheriff Kenny Stradley:

Comanche County Sheriff's Department
Comanche County Courthouse
315 SW 5th Street
Room 102
Lawton, Oklahoma 73501


(I cannot find an email address for the Sheriff)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dog found frozen to death in New Jersey

A man was arrested and charged with animal cruelty after he allowed a dog to freeze to death Saturday, officials said.

Robert Dunbar, 25, of Sixth Avenue was charged Tuesday night with three counts of animal cruelty after Sgt. Matty Juliano of the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was sent to investigate the death of a female pit bull-mix.

Juliano was accompanied by township police, SPCA Police Chief Victor "Buddy" Amato said.

Dunbar faces up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $3,000 if he is convicted of the charges in Municipal Court, Amato said.