Appointments are now being taken for a low cost spay/neuter clinic to be held on March 2 for cats and dogs owned by lower-income Ocean County residents.
"The low cost clinics can be very helpful to families with limited funds who wish to spay or neuter their pet, but can't afford it during the current economic downturn," said Freeholder Deputy Director Gerry. P. Little.
"It makes sense to eliminate unplanned litters, since most pet owners are not professional breeders," said Ella Boyd, VMD, public health coordinator. "The low cost spay/neuter clinic is a tool to help stop the bringing of unwanted puppies or kittens into an already heavily-populated pet world."
Dr. Boyd noted that some pet owners are not able to afford the full cost of neutering or spaying an animal. "The clinic can help a family of modest means meet the costs of such a service. For $30, a family can have its cat spayed or neutered or the family dog fixed for $45."
The program is sponsored by the Volunteer Auxiliary for Animal Shelters, Inc., and supported by the Ocean County Health Department and the Jersey Shore Animal Shelter, according to Edward Rumen, Health Department public information officer.
Rumen said the clinic will be held in a mobile surgical clinic to be located in the parking lot at the American Veterans Hall, Route 571, one mile north of Hope Chapel Road, Jackson Township. Dog appointments begin at 8:30 a.m., while cat appointments begin at 9 a.m. There is a two pet maximum per household.
"The procedures will be performed by licensed veterinarians using dissolvable stitches," Rumen added. "At the time of the procedure, the pet also will receive a rabies shot."
Little stated, "Once spayed or neutered, your pet should be happier and you may be helping it by reducing the risk factors for certain types of feline cancers and diseases."
"Pre-registration is necessary and applicants must qualify for participation based upon household income, which can be up to 185 percent of the federal poverty level," Rumen said. "For this program, income verification is necessary. To pre register and to receive more information, including maximum income eligibility, please call 732-657-8086."
**If you read this after the date listed, contact the organization/clinic. Often times, they offer these services on a regular basis. If not, these clinics may offer the low cost clinics once a month. You can use the same contact information listed above.**