I came upon this site while doing my own personal research about possible causes for my cat, Ashtyn's, vomiting. My cat ended up having a very serious illness. I found this site after I had already taken her to the vet and was waiting for my vet to interpret test results to diagnose her. If I had solely relied on this site and delayed taking her to the vet, my cat could have died. She requires prescription medications to keep her stable and healthy. She has Lymphoid HyperPlasia.
This site is incredibly detailed and is for both cats and dogs. The condition finder includes physical symptoms, mood and temperament and behavior and as you add more information the list of possible causes changes.
If your pet is displaying troubling symptoms-please take them to a vet. DO NOT rely on this site to diagnose and treat your pet. Click here to visit the site:
PetVet disease and condition finder
Do you like sweet cats who love being scratched behind the ears? This is Yasmine and she is currently living at the Parkville Animal Shelter. Click here for more info.
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